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claudia bosse / theatercombinat

24.10.-26.10.2024 / HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth by claudia bosse in tanzquartier wien.

- tanzquartier wien

- claudia bosse, lena schattenberg and günther auer in conversation with herbert gnauer (radio dispositiv / radio orange)

projects of the series:

haunted landscape/s

entanglement with a haunted forest

haunted landscape/s - about inner and outer landscapes

HAUNTED LANDSCAPE on an unseen wasteland

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth

the cycle
ORGAN/ismus - poetic of relations

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth
by claudia bosse

in HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth, claudia bosse and five performers occupy the stage of tanzquartier wien as a walk-in environment.

our planet is covered with wounded landscapes that bear the signs of their attacks: wars, climatic changes, the extraction of resources. at the centre of haunted landscape/s are volcanoes, adits, mines as endangered or poisoned landscapes and their myths, narratives or experiences as well as our relationship to them. it is about enormous transformations of environments and their global effects, about traces of ghosts that inhabit them and their influence on the surrounding communities of (non-)human actors. HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth uses bodies, sounds, movements and images to open up distortions with our planet.

together with the performers jianan qu, carla rihl, marcela san pedro, lena schattenberg and irwann ahmett, claudia bosse unfolds a walk-in space with live sounds by günther auer.

before the performance on 25 october, claudia bosse introduces the room setting and stage design of the performance. the performance is followed by an artist talk, moderated by sandra umathum.

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth
by claudia bosse

premiere: 24 october 2024, 19:30h
further shows: 25 + 26 october 2024, 19:30h

halle G, tanzquartier wien
museumsplatz 1, 1070 vienna

artist talk following the performance on 25 october. sandra umathum (performance scientist, dramaturge and member of the curatorium theatre, dance & performance of the city of vienna) in conversation with claudia bosse.

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth by claudia bosse, photo: claudia bosse

haunted landscape/s by claudia bosse, photo: eva würdinger

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth
by claudia bosse

concept/choreography/space/objects: claudia bosse
performance: marcela san pedro, lena schattenberg, carla rihl, jianan qu, irwan ahmett, claudia bosse
live sound: günther auer
lighting: paul grilj
dramaturgy: adam czirak, krassimira kruschkova
clothing: julia zastava
production, artistic assistance: larry meyer
production assistance: ines kaiser
communication: magdalena knor
thanks to liquifer systems group

a co-production of theatercombinat and tanzquartier wien. supported by the cultural department of the city of vienna and by federal ministry of arts, culture, public service and sport.

PROJECTS of haunted landscape/s:
haunted landscape/s is a multi-format series by claudia bosse (2024/2025) in collaboration with various artists with/about/through wounded landscapes.

HAUNTED LANDSCAPES or the breathing out of earth occupies the stage of tanzquartier wien at the end of october 2024 as a walk-in, performative environment with 5 performers and the sounds of günther auer. in HAUNTED LANDSCAPE on an unseen wasteland, a central residual area becomes an urban laboratory and venue for a series of visual, musical and performative interventions by claudia bosse with public performance school PPS and invited artists. in the field research project haunted landscape/s - about inner and outer landscapes as part of impulstanz, claudia bosse and the participating dancers explored relationships to landscapes, organisms and movements on unstable ground. claudia bosse's installation entanglement with a haunted forest interwoven with the forest opened mahler forum 2024 in june 2024 with a musical commentary by günther auer. between the built, the grown, the present and the past, the installation in the forest is freely accessible until the end of october. haunted landscape/s was developed as a site-specific performance with 3 dancers and 2 movement choirs in may 2024 for a derelict building site and ultimately ended in a multimedia installation. in october 2023, claudia bosse developed LANDSCAPE/S as part of the project celebrating trouble. choreographic convention in timișoara (romania) - a lecture performance as an installative spread that became a performative landscape.

the haunted landscape/s series was created as part of the 2022-2025 concept funding programme by stadt wien kultur, the federal ministry of arts and culture, public service and sport, with the support of the district of donaustadt, mahler forum 2024, KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien and in cooperation with belvedere 21, impulstanz, jugend am werk, wien 3420 and ÖBB.

the cycle ORGAN/ismus - poetics of relations combines modules, motives and methods for the realization of different artistic formats and at the same time wants to build or expand structures. because we can only realize those works for which we are able to find or invent structures.

www.theatercombinat.com theatrical production and reception

theatercombinat is funded by stadt wien kultur within the framework of concept funding 2022-2025.