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claudia bosse / theatercombinat


contact / team / imprint






claudia bosse - artistic director
günther auer - sound/media
dilâ kirmizitoprak - production
magdalena knor - communication
laura stöckler - text work

mommsengasse 23/1-2, 1040 wien
tel +43/1/5222509




günther auer is a composer and media artist. he studied composition and electro-acoustic composition at the university of music and performing arts in vienna, where he subsequently worked as a lecturer in the field of music and computer. he works in cooperation with a wide variety of artists and in a wide variety of formats. 2012 / 2013 he was senior artist at the university of applied arts in the field of digital art. his work was awarded the austrian museum prize for sonosphere, the austrian multimedia prize for zauberflöte im mozarthaus and the austrian prize for art in public space pfann ohmann for ID am dornerplatz. since 2009 he has been working primarily with director claudia bosse on voice and sound architectural extensions in public and private spaces. since 2017 among others for the multi-part cycle (katastrophen 11/15) ideal paradise and the long-term project some democratic fictions – an interview series on political and social upheavals and revolutions as a transnational archive. most recently he composed sounds for the last IDEAL PARADISE in jakarta, in 2019 the sounds for the text-space-choreography THYESTES BRÜDER! KAPITAL anatomie einer rache and for the romantic singspiel POEMS of the DAILY MADNESS for 4 actors with texts by claudia bosse which premiered in october 2017 in vienna. www.guentherauer.com

claudia bosse

dagmar tröstler completed her bachelor's degree in theater, film and media studies and then began interdisciplinary studies in gender studies at the university of vienna. in 2016 she interned at theatercombinat IDEAL PARADISE, in 2017 he worked as production assistant for EXPLOSION DER STILLE - a silent chorus and as assistant director for POEMS of the DAILY MADNESS since 2018 she worked as artistic assistant and regularly as assistant director (among others at 168 stunden and THYESTES BRÜDER! KAPITAL). since 2020 with the project the last IDEAL PARADISE in jakarta she started as production manager for theatercombinat.

marco tölzer completed an education as a carpenter and afterwards studied theater and philosophy at the university of vienna. conceptual collaboration with the opera unterwegs für undine, jäger grachus as well as other projects. since 2009 there is a continuous collaboration with claudia bosse and theatercombinat (among others on designed desires, catastrophic paradise, POEMS of the DAILY MADNESS, 168 stunden, the last IDEAL PARADISE in düsseldorf, essen and jakarta). he is specialized in technical direction, buildings, light and the invention of impossible objects or prototypes, sometimes also performer.

laura stöckler writes text for and about film, performance, and visual arts. studied anglophone literatures and cultures as well as art history at the university of vienna. has been working togehter with claudia bosse / theatercombinat since 2020. since march 2023 responsible for digital communication for theatercombinat.

dilâ kırmızıtoprak is an architect, media artist and musician. she completed her studies in the field of analogue and digital media at the institute of art and architecture at the academy of fine arts vienna 2023. in her artistic-architectural work, she deals with built environments, invisible-non-living beings, their effects on our perception, storytelling through writing and language and digital representations of architectural spaces. she develops spatial installations with the media of video, sound and light. she has designed spaces for architectural offices and in museums and has designed stages at music festivals. in 2024 she began working as a production manager at theatercombinat, currently as part of the haunted landscape/s project.

magdalena knor is studying for a master's degree in theatre, film and media studies at the university of vienna, currently focusing on the question of the possible liveliness of objects. since 2018, she has been involved in various theatre formats - both at theatres and in the independent scene - as an assistant director, dramaturge and set designer, as well as working as a visual artist. she also writes texts and dedicates herself to spaces in the broadest sense. since 2024 she has been working with claudia bosse / theatercombinat in the field of communication and text work - currently in connection with the performance series haunted landscape/s.

website credits
claudia bosse, anna etteldorf, vicky klug, oliver maus, laura stöckler, magdalena knor
layout boris kopeinig, oliver maus


disclosure based on §25 MedG
media ownership and publisher
mommsengasse 23/1-2, 1040 vienna
copyright ©2023, theatercombinat


www.theatercombinat.com theatrical production and reception

theatercombinat is funded by stadt wien kultur within the framework of concept funding 2022-2025.