theatercombinat | 20. - 25.10.2014 thoughts meet space athens installation & open archive by claudia bosse at bhive, mithimnis 18, 1st floor and the rooftop, athens (gr).
language: german, english, greek |
press release
visitor information
dossier some democratic fictions
some democratic fictions
thoughts meet space vienna
thoughts meet space beirut
η διακρατικ? συλλογ? (οπτικο)ακουστικ?ν συνεντε?ξεων με τ?τλο some democratic fictions απ? τη γερμαν?δα καλλιτ?χνιδα claudia bosse ε?ναι προσωριν? εγκατεστημ?νη στην αθ?να και ανοιχτ? για συλλογ? συνεντε?ξεων. το νομαδικ? αρχε?ο της συλλογ?ς θα ανο?ξει για το κοιν? στις 20 Οκτωβρ?ου και ?ρα 9μμ, σαν μια site-specific πολυμεσικ? εγκατ?σταση με τον τ?τλο thoughts meet space athens, στον πρ?το ?ροφο και την ταρ?τσα του ν?ου χ?ρου για τις τ?χνες bhive, Μηθ?μνης 18, Κυψ?λη.
η εγκατ?σταση thoughts meet space athens ε?ναι ?να ραγδα?ο χωροθετικ? εργαστ?ρι της claudia bosse σε συ
νεργασ?α με τον günther auer, που πειραματ?ζεται με διαφορετικ? μ?σα και κοινωνικ?ς σχ?σεις μ?σα απ? εικ?νες, ?χους, αντικε?μενα και σκ?ψεις; ?νας συνδυασμ?ς απ? αποξενωμ?να objets trouves, assemblage και χωροταξικο?ς συσχετισμο?ς. διαφορετικ?ς προσεγγ?σεις του παρ?ντος που ενσωματ?νονται στο χ?ρο. η εγκατ?σταση thoughts meet space ?χει παρουσιαστε? σε διαφορετικ?ς site-specific εκδοχ?ς στη βι?ννη και τη βυρηττ? και διευρ?νεται συνεχ?ς στην πορε?α της, με επ?μενη στ?ση το κ?ιρο, ?που θα παρουσιαστε? τον ιανου?ριο του 2015.
εγκα?νια 20 οκτωβρ?ου, 9μμ
ανοιχτ? καθημεριν? 6-9 απ? τις 21 μ?χρι τις 25 οκτωβρ?ου
25 οκτωβρ?ου και ?ρα 9μμ with claudia bosse, marco toelzer, ariadni yfanti
and the participating public
απ? το 2011, (οπτικο)ακουστικ?ς συνεντε?ξεις υπ? τον ερευνητικ? τ?τλο some democratic fictions συλλ?γονται στη ν?α υ?ρκη, κ?ιρο, αλεξ?νδρια, τ?νιδα, ιερουσαλ?μ, τελ αβ?β, ζ?γκρεμπ, φρανκφο?ρτη, βρυξ?λλες, βυρηττ?: ηχογραφημ?νες σκ?ψεις απ? διαφορετικο?ς (γεω)πολιτικο?ς χ?ρους σχετικ? με την ελευθερ?α, τις επαναστ?σεις, το φ?ντασμα της δημοκρατ?ας και το ?θος της δρ?σης, ?ρχονται αντιμ?τωπες ? και συγκρο?ονται με τις σκ?ψεις που θα αποτυπωθο?ν στις συνεντε?ξεις που θα γ?νουν στην αθ?να. κ?νοντας ανασκ?πιση της πρ?σφατης ιστορ?ας με κριτικ? ? παιγνι?δη ματι?, οι εικ?νες των media γ?νονται χρησμο? του παρ?ντος… θεμελι?δη ερωτ?ματα τ?θενται σχετικ? με τις μεθ?δους και την καταν?ηση της
τ?χνης σαν μιας πρακτικ?ς που αγγ?ζει και παρεμβα?νει στην πραγματικ?τητα. |
photos: claudia bosse / guenther auer
click to view photo series
εγκατ?σταση, αντ?κειμενα: claudia bosse, συνεργασ?α, μουσικ? + media support: günther auer, τεχνικ? υποστ?ριξη: marco tölzer, βοηθ?ς: αρι?δνη υφαντ?, παραγωγ? (βι?ννη): stella reinhold, production theatercombinat, με την υποστ?ριξη των wien kultur, BMUKK, the austrian embassy in athens και AthenSYN katja ehrhardt
ευχαριστο?με θερμ? ?λους ?σους συμμετε?χαν δ?νοντ?ς μας συν?ντευξη:
katja ehrhardt, βασ?λης ματζο?κης, πλ?των μαυρομο?στακος, νικ?τας καραγι?ννης, ειρ?νη χ?βα, δημ?τρης γαλ?νης, ν?κος σο?λης, ν?κος γιαβρ?πουλος, μαρι?ννα ασημακοπο?λου, π?τρος λιν?ρδος ρυλμ?ν, σωτ?ρης μπαχτετζ?ς, ?ννα σαριλ?κη, ευρυπ?δης λασκαρ?δης, ν?κος οντουμπιτ?ν, βικτωρ?α μανιατ?κου, μαρ?α κομνηνο?, ανδρ?ας κο?ρκουλας, michael kliën, βασ?λης νο?λας |
photo: claudia bosse
photo: claudia bosse
some democratic fictions ATHENS
29th september - 25th october 2014
research residency at bhive in athens with the presentation of parts of the archive of some democratic fictions and a site-specific multimedia installation between 20th - 25th october 2014.
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το bhive ε?ναι ?νας ν?ος πειραματικ?ς χ?ρος για τις τ?χνες στην Κυψ?λη, στη διε?θυνση Μηθ?μνης 18.
press contact athens:
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an archive
is a situation.
an archive is constituted from a collection of things, thoughts and concepts.
an archive is a constellation of material, of documents;
it is fluid-
each constellation of its material recreates the criteria of its readability, its narratives and combinations-
each constellation of the documents and materials re-informs the documents themselves.
the presence of the document with other documents
is the present of its constellation, and the present of its interpretation in this space
at this precise moment.
an archive is always the present of its perception.
(working notes claudia bosse)
INSTALLATION in jan/feb 2015 in cairo thoughts meet space cairo in context of the RESEARCH some democratic fictions in hotel viennoise in cairo, a cooperation project with CLUSTER - cairo laborartory for urban studies, supported by szenenwechsel (robert bosch foundation). the space in hotel viennoise is contributed by al-ismaelia. |
after the use of the american interviews in the installation dominant powers – landscapes of unease (may 2011 in and outside the cartographic institute, vienna), some egyptian interviews became a part of the performance dominant powers. what is to be done then? in vienna and tunis, as well as in zagreb museum of contemporary art accompanied and intermingled with the installation biographical landscapes of new zagreb. this installation explored the concrete urban environment of new zagreb with the help of some residents, their memories and the conditions of their lives. the interviews of the local participants where encountered in the space of the museum with some other produced earlier in egypt. in february 2012 the archive was partially used in the public space installation and performance burning beasts in frankfurt. for this project in the displaced car bodies inside the city centre audio interview material of the archive was implemented together with sounds of music and descriptive reconstruction of media pictures representing failure of political orders. thoughts meet space in may/june 2013 was an installation in 18 different spaces where the interviews were confronted with media scenarios of spelling reality. here, for the first time, the majority of the archive material became part of this artistic operation called “thoughts meet space”, as a virtual space of three-dimensional thought presented in the old customs canteen in vienna accompanied by 2 performances in relation to the installation as a coproduction with tanzquartier vienna. all this material, including the interviews produced in athens is part of the overall project (katastrophen 11/15) ideal paradise. in april 2014 what about catastrophes? premiered in tanzquartier vienna. the last station of the overall project was in september 2014 in dusseldorf with the performance catastrophic paradise in coproduction with FFT dusseldorf in the framework of the series "DECOLONIZE! performative strategies for a (post)colonial age". in this context took place the symposium politics of paradise and catastrophes.
chronology of research travels and interviews new york – january/february 2011 / cairo - october 2011 / alexandria - october 2011 / tunis - january 2012 / frankfurt - february 2012 / tel aviv - may 2012 / jerusalem - may 2012 / brussels (matonge) april 2013 / beirut october 2013 / athens october 2014 / cairo january/february 2015
(katastrophen 11/15) ideal paradise is the fourth part of the series of "political hybrids" (performances developed since 2010 in vienna, dusseldorf, new york, tunis and zagreb), which will generate various artistic formats - performances, choreographies and theatre works as well as installations, interventions, lectures, workshops and an academy / conference until the end of 2015. theatrale produktion und rezeption |