theatercombinat | 30 june - 2 july 2012 - biographical landscapes of new zagreb claudia bosse, museum of contemporary art zagreb (MSU), EUROKAZ festival zagreb

sprache/language: deutsch, english, hrvatski

map biographical landscapes
press selection

dominant powers in zagreb
dominant powers in tunis
dominant powers in vienna
dominant powers -
landscapes of discomfort

vampires of the 21st century or what is to be done then?


new zagreb. the museum of contemporary art, its spaces, its collection und its environment and the special urbanistic context are the initial point for this version of dominant powers. what is to be done then?. as a result of the on-site research the artistic research project biographical landscapes of new zagreb was emerged: an investigation of the concret urban surrounding of new zagreb through its inhabitants, their memories and their lives.

at the invitation of EUROKAZ and MSU, to develop a specific project for the museum and its environment, claudia bosse and guenther auer visited several apartments in different urban areas of new zagreb in december 2011 and interviewed the inhabitants about questions of democracy, capitalism and identity. this experience originated the research project biographical landscapes of new zagreb which is going to bundle in a live installation in the museum and an art transfer in the private apartments.

since may 2011 claudia bosse is developing together with ten inhabitants of new zagreb choreographies of daily routines in the outlines of their concrete apartments in the studio of the museum. ritualised reconstruction of the living space, repeating of ways and actions in the apartment. in july, 6 apartments are going to be readjusted in their original size and animated by the inhabitants from different generations, projections of their interviews and multiple documents of their lives. at the same time hand picked art pieces are exhibited in the apartments of the participants by claudia bosse, in dialogue with tihomir milovac: a transfer of contexts and connections, a re-reading of the art pieces and the particular living space. adjustment and collision. a re-contextualisation of the artwork and the private spaces. the life of the inhabitants wanders as biographical archive across the bodies, actions and narrations into the museum. experiences in an urban utopia as archive and installation, as frame and condition of the performance dominant powers. what is to be done then? which is produced with the inhabitants and performers on site.

photo: claudia bosse

by/with: jadranka alić, ivan alić, siniša glogoški, franka horvat, aleksandar kondić, svjetlana lugar, tomislav lukačić, morana matković, zrinka tatomir and vladimir tatomir, installation/concept/directed by: claudia bosse, videomastering/sound: guenther auer, consulting art collection MSU: tihomir milovac, assistance/research/coordination new zagreb: marijeta karlović

art works by: boris bućan, braco dimitirjević, ivan ladislav galeta, zeljko jerman, ivan picelj, ivan posavec, mladen stilinović, milisav mio vesović

zagreb version at the invitation of the museum for contemporary art zagreb, in the framework of EUROKAZ festival. a coproduction by theatercombinat, supported by wien kultur.

photo: claudia bosse, click to view photo series

  photo: claudia bosse, click to view photo series

biographical landscapes of new zagreb
art transfer, live-installation

opening hours private homes
30 june – 1 july, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
2 july, 2 p.m. – 5.30 pm

6 different private homes in new zagreb
information and maps available at the
museum of contemporary art zagreb (MSU),
avenija dubrovnik 17, 10000 zagreb


dominant powers. what is to be done then?
installation, performance

30 june 2012, 8.30 p.m.
1 july 2012, 8.30 p.m. / followed by a discussion, 11 p.m.
2 july 2012, 8.30 p.m.

museum of contemporary art zagreb (MSU),
avenija dubrovnik 17, 10000 zagreb theatrale produktion und rezeption