palais donaustadt installation/concept/artistic direction: claudia bosse, production/public relations: christina nägele, context/public relations: gerald singer, christine standfest, research donaucity/production assistant: tobias gerber, interns: elisabeth bernroitner, gwendolyn sebald, nadine weber, planning consultant: jonny winter/BKK3
ballet palais by + with markus keim, julia reinartz, angela schubot, matthew smith, christine standfest and doris uhlich. choreography/direction: claudia bosse
firma raumforschung / space research inc. with sabine bitter, andrea börner, oliver frey, gabu heindl, irina kaldrack, christa kamleithner, rudolf kohoutek, bojana kunst, ralo mayer, bärbel müller, gini müller, georg schöllhammer, daniel schürer, peter stamer, christian teckert, bettina vismann, bernd vlay, helmut weber; camp respondents angelika fitz, katherina zakravsky; concept: claudia bosse; concept collaboration: christina nägele, christine standfest, christian teckert
film im palais curated by firma raumforschung, gerald singer, claudia slanar and christian schulte, coordination: gerald singer
picknick am wegesrand an initiative of the viennese club/electronic/independent musical community with more than 50 participating artists, groups and networks invited by theatercombinat
archiv im palais concept: tobias gerber and julia wieger
archive material with support of friedrich achleitner, bezirksamt donaustadt, lothar fischmann, thomas jakoubek, otto kapfinger, peter klopf, rudolf kohoutek, adolf krischanitz, siegfried mattl, eva prochazka, peter rantasa, katharina ritter + azw, reinhard seiss, hannes swoboda, robert temel |