theatercombinat | 24. – 26.5.2009 phèdre review racine/seneca, schauspielhaus wien (a)

sprache/language/langue: deutsch, english, français

dossier german


tragödienproduzenten 2009
2481 desaster zone



claudia bosse and the french ensemble develop a new site-specific version of their genevian production for the schauspielhaus wien, as third part of theatercombinat's «tragödienproduzenten reviews».

these reviews work on former productions from 2006 to 2008, juxtaposing aeschylus', shakespeare's, racine's, seneca's and jelinek's texts with their realizations in different cities and locations, with different casts and in different institutions.


direction/concept: claudia bosse, phèdre: frédéric leidgens, hippolyte: serge martin, thésée: armand deladoëy, oenone/ aricie: véronique alain, théramène/panope/ismène: marie-eve mathey doret; assistance: andreas gölles, space: alexander schellow, translation/subtitles: claudia bosse, andreas gölles

schauspielhaus wien - porzellangasse 19, 1090 vienne,
premiere: 24.5.2009, 3 presentations

french with german subtitles

coproduction GRÜ/théâtre du grütli, theatercombinat and association genèveberlin, supported by wien kultur, swiss arts council pro helvetia and die erste bank. media partner:
der standard




photos: severin koller


    a boxing ring is the venue for the conflicts between state, territory, body, liberty and love. absolute proportion of racine's language versus disproportion of the bodies: all actors – except for one – are over 60 years of age. they act in the nude. the physical material ranges from performative presences, bodies deformed by speech, baroque dance with its rigid and androgynous body images to boxing and wrestling. the bodies tumble into different disciplines and representations, tearing open their skin by speech. juggling with varying modes of production and spatial regimes opens the space for the spectator to witness the production of speech, relations and body surfaces, at the same time visible and present with his or her body and habitus. theatrale produktion und rezeption